Information about storage of samples at Statens Serum Institut
Statens Serum Institut (SSI) handles a variety of tasks for the benefit of public health, such as analysing certain samples (e.g. blood samples and saliva samples) for the Danish healthcare system. If surplus sample material remains after analysis, it may be stored in the Danish National Biobank at SSI.
Information for citizens whose biological samples we store
During 2024 SSI has sent out information letters to all citizens whose biological samples are stored at SSI. From now on, you as a citizen will receive an information letter from SSI if we have received a sample from you for analyses at our central laboratory within the latest month. Information about the analyzing laboratory is available for each analyses result under "Detaljer" on your page at
If you have received an information letter from SSI and have questions about the contents, please contact us through Digital Post. Once logged on to Digital Post, please choose "Statens Serum Institut" as recipient and then "Borgerhenvendelser" as sub-recipient.
If you are exempt from using Digital Post or prefer to communicate via physical mail, please write to:
Statens Serum Institut
Att.: Borgerhenvendelser
Artillerivej 5
2300 København S

Watch the animated film: Why the biobank stores samples from you